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UK: The British Institute of Directors and the Brexit – ecoDa Week Alert N. 23

ecoDa on UK: The British IoD and the Brexit.?-ecoDa Alert 23

ecoDa Week Alert N. 23

It includes:

  1. Capital markets Union: Council agrees its stance on prospectus rules for the issuing and offering of securities
  2. European Shareholders’ Rights Directive Proposals: An academic paper on ‘A critical analysis in mapping with the UK Stewardship Code?’
  3. European Commission’s consultation on the Financial Conglomerates Directives
  4. UK: the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators consultation on the practice of minuting meetings
  5. UK Financial Reporting Council: Lab call for participants – Digital Future: Data
  6. UK: The British Institute of Directors and the Brexit. The findings of an extensive survey on the UK’s relationship with the European Union
  7. ecoDa’s News

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