Corporate culture and the role of boards. A report published by The Financial Reporting Council – ecoDa Week Alert N. 29 and Alerts N. 33, 34-35, 36
ecoDa on Corporate culture and boards?-ecoDa Alert 29
ecoDa Week Alert N. 29
It includes:
- Briefing – Publishing Corporate tax information: Country-by-country reporting for multinational enterprise groups
- Corporate culture and the role of boards. A report published by The Financial Reporting Council
- EU Presidency
- Conference on Sustainable Companies Summit – Brussels, September 28th 2016
- Roundtable on the key long term trends affecting boards
- ecoDa’s News
ecoDa Week Alert N. 33
It includes:
- FSB consultation on the G20/OECD Corporate Governance Principles
- Committee of European Auditing Oversight Bodies. Inaugural meeting
- Non-financial reporting. Workshop with stakeholders on 27 September 2016
- The FEE (European Federation of Accountants) on the Future of Corporate Reporting
- UK/Executive Remuneration Working Group. Final Report
- International Investors’ Conference. Wiesbaden, 29 November 2016
- ecoDa’s News
ecoDa Week Alerts N. 34-35
They include:
- EC Report on remuneration rules for credit institutions and investment firms
- Say on pay – A Report on Restoring Responsible Ownership
- OECD Working Paper on Corporate Governance of Financial Groups
- ECGI Paper on Employee Participation in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
- European Parliament / EMPL Committee – Hearing on Employee financial participation in the age of digitalization
- ecoDa’s News
ecoDa Week Alert N. 36
It includes:
- European Banking Authority (EBA)- Consultation paper on fit and proper – October 2016
- Audit Reform – Market Monitoring
- More Women in senior positions in the European Commission. An overview of the achievements
- Upcoming book on “Shareholders’ Duties in Europe” by Hanne Birkmose
- UK – Forthcoming consultation on corporate irresponsibility
- ecoDa’s News